The Belgian Congo between the Two World Wars, Librairie en ligne de l'ARSOM
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The Belgian Congo between the Two World Wars

The Belgian Congo between the Two World Wars
(363 pp., 23 fig., 11 tab., 2019)


J. Vanderlinden. — Introduction

Politics, Order and Law

V. Dewulf. — La relégation au Congo belge durant l’entre-deux-guerres
V. Genin. ― La situation internationale du Congo belge du point de vue des juristes de droit international. De la Convention de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919) au casus Oscar Chinn de la CPJI (1934)

Economy and Society

J. Charlier. ― Les transports ferroviaires au Congo pendant l’entre-deux-guerres
P. Clement. ― Agricultural Policies and Practices in the Belgian Congo. The Origins and Implementation of the “Indigenous Peasantry” Scheme (1917-1959)
J. Lagae et al. ― Pour Matadi la question [de la ségrégation] est encore plus grave qu’ailleurs: The Making and Shaping of a Congolese Port City during the Interwar Years
L. Van Molle et al. ― „C’est par la science qu’on colonise”. Over de relatie tussen de Grote Depressie en de landbouwpolitiek in Belgisch Congo
P. Tilly. ― Labour Policies in Practices: Innovations, Resistances and a Timid Political Will of Reform
P. Van Schuylenbergh. ― Entre chasse, science et diplomatie. Le «Parc national Albert» et la question de l’internationalisme


K. M. Kapanga. ― The Question of Cinema for the Natives between World Wars in the Congo
Y. Van Pee. ― La colonisation pittoresque: The Rise of Indigenist Cultural Politics in Belgian Colonial Rule

J. Vanderlinden. ― Propos finaux

Nederlands English Français
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