NUNES, Lucí Hidalgo

Bach. Geogr., MSc Phys. Geogr., PhD Engineering Geoprocessing, prof. Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP
Geography (climatology, environment, urbanization); Latin America (Brazil), southern Africa (Mozambique).

Professor Nunes (geographer, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) was trained as a Climatologist. Her last position was senior lecturer at the Institute of Geosciences, The State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), where she worked from 2000 to 2017, having retired in June of 2017. Amongst her interests are: extreme events and their impacts in urban centres, risk perception, adaptation to climate change and historical climatology. She has published around in all of these fields.
She has almost four decades of experience leading and participating on teams that characterize, monitor and model responses to natural and anthropogenic stresses. She has experience in teaching courses (under- and post-graduation), organizing scientific meetings and mentoring students. She is/was a member of numerous scientific committees, serves as ad-hoc member of several scientific journals and agencies that provide grants for researches the Science Committee. Proudly she is member of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences since 2011.

Key Publications

Serrao-Neumann, S., Moreira, F. de A., Dalla Fontana, M., Torres, R. R., Lapola, D. M., Nunes, L. H. , Marengo, J. A., Di Giulio, G. M. Advancing transdisciplinary adaptation research practice. Nature Climate Change, 2021, 10.1038/s41558-021-01221-4. 

Nunes, L.H., Greco, R., Marengo, J.A. (Eds.) Climate change in Santos, Brazil: projections, impacts and adaptation options. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 302 pp., 2019.

Cavalcanti, I.F.A.; Nunes, L.H.; Marengo, J.A.; Gomes, J.L.; Silveira, V.P.; Castellano, M.S. Projections of Precipitation Changes in Two Vulnerable Regions of São Paulo State, Brazil. American Journal of Climate Change, v.6, p.268-293, 2017. 10.4236/ajcc.2017.62014

Marengo, J.A.; Nunes, L.H.; Souza, C.R. de G.; Harari, J.; Muller-Karger, F.; Greco, R.; Hosokawa, E.K.; Tabuchi, E.K.; Merril, S.B.; Reynolds, C.J.; Pelling, M.; Alves, L. M.; Aragão, L.E.; Chou, S.C.; Moreira, F.; Paterson, S.; Lockman, J.T.; Gray, A.G. A globally deployable strategy for co-development of adaptation preferences to sea-level rise: the public participation case of Santos, Brazil. Natural Hazards, p.1-15, 2017. 10.1007/s11069-017-2855-x

Paterson, S.K.; Pelling, M.; Nunes, L.H; Moreira, F. de A.; Guida, K.; Marengo, J.A. Size does matter: City scale and the asymmetries of climate change adaptation in three coastal towns. Geoforum, v.81, p.109-119, 2017. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.02.014

Nunes, L.H. An Overview of Recent Natural Disasters in South America. Meddedelingen der Zittingen (Bulletin des Seances), v.57, p.409-425, 2011.

Figueiroa, S.F. de M.; Nunes, L.H. Investigation and Forecast of Droughts in Brazil: A Historical View (19th to 20th Century). Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences. v.60, p.555-567, 2010.


Complete list of publications


CNPq (Brazil)

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