Textos pendientes de publicación

Sección de Ciencias Humanas

Koen Bostoen et.al.À la recherche des sentiers perdus du passé en forêt. Réflexions sur l’effondrement de la population en Afrique centrale il y a 1500 ans.

Inge Brinkman.“The girl and her brother’. Concepts of slavery and gender relations in a Gikuyu folktale from Central Kenya.

Wouter Claes et.al.Egypt through a Belgian Lens: Jean Capart and the Collection of Photographic Glass Plate Negatives of the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels.

Didier Demolin.The multiple dimensions of language sound systems. Contribution of African and Amerindian languages.

Eric Descheemaeker.French Private Law in New Caledonia: 75 Years after Decolonisation.

Stefaan Dondeyne et.al.Struggles over natural resources around Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia: why gender matters to conservation.

Idesbald Goddeeris.The Memory of Mission. Statues of Belgian Missionaries in their Native Places and Work Areas.

Nick Majchrowicz & Sara Budts.‘The indigenous, I presume?’ A Digital Study of Mental Models and Mental Decolonization in the Biographie Coloniale Belge and Biographie Belge d’Outre-Mer.

Sylvie Peperstraete.Traduire l’altérité. De la pyramide de Cholula à la tour de Babel, les tribulations de la mythologie aztèque dans le Mexique du XVIe siècle.

Johan Verberckmoes.Jacques de Coutre has a scoop on intersectionality of diamond miners in early 17th century South India.


Sección de Ciencias Naturales y Médicas

Guy Caljon & Laura Dirkx.Challenges during Treatment of Microbial Infections: Sanctuary Niches, Persistence and Relapse.

Robert Colebunders & Amber Hadermann.Onchocerciasis (river blindness) also induces river epilepsy (onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy).

Ben Derudder.Polycentriciteit in Chinese stedelijke regio’s, 2001-2016.

Philippe Donnen et. al.Eleven to thirty years after: what happened to the severely malnourished children hospitalized at Lwiro in the Eastern of the Democratic Republic of Congo?.

Bruno Goddeeris.Alexandre Yersin:Medical Doctor and Scientist, Explorer, Veterinary Scientist and Agronomist.

Frederik Leliaert et.al.Enabling botanical collaboration through digitization of the Meise Botanic Garden and Central African herbaria.

Virginie Tilot.The challenges of conserving marine biodiversity in a context of sustainable development: Traditional perspectives on the management of seabed resources in terms of deep sea mining and its legal context in the Pacific ocean.

Sara Top.Towards better future climate information over Central Asia.


Sección de Ciencias Técnicas

Patrick Beillevaire & Gaston R. Demarée.Les observations météorologiques instrumentales du Père Louis Furet à Naha, Okinawa (1855-1860), et leur contexte historique.

Marc Nyssen & Frank Verbeke.D4D in public health: An overview of some relevant projects.

Thierry Smith.India as a “Noah’s Ark” before collision with Eurasia: Paleoenvironment and paleobiogeography of the continental early Eocene vertebrate fauna of Gujarat.