Vol.57 (2011)

Vol.57 (2011) n°1


Inhoud / Contenu vol. 57 (2-4)

Vol.57 (2011) n°2-4 (PDF format)

Van de Belgische Koloniale Biografie naar het Biografisch Woordenboek van Belgen Overzee / VANTHEMSCHE, Guy. - 215-235

Hunting and Social Complexity in Predynastic Egypt / HENDRICKX, Stan. - 237-263

The Unique Frozen Tombs of the Scythians Threatened by Climate Change: Archaeological Survey and Permafrost Research in the Altay Mountains / GHEYLE, Wouter; GOOSSENS, Rudi; WULF, Alaine; PLETS, Gertjan; VAN DE KERCHOVE, Ruben; EBEL, Alexander V.; DVORNIKOV, Eduard P.; BOURGEOIS, Jean. - 265-276

De documentatie en beschrijving van bedreigde talen en hun bijlage en het onderzoek naar taalkundige universalia / VAN DE VELDE, Mark. - 277-289

Contribution of Asia to the Evolution and Paleobiogeography of the Earliest Modern Mammals / SMITH, Thierry. - 293-305

Une expérience de zoologie appliquée : l'holothuriculture à Madagascar / JANGOUX, Michel. - 307-321

Is it Important to Study Tropical African Bird Species? / LOUETTE, Michel. - 323-332

Health and Diet of Ancient Easter Islanders : Contributions of Palaeopathology, Dental Microwear and Stable Isotopes / POLET, Caroline. - 333-353

L'Himalaya, un laboratoire à ciel ouvert pour géomorphologues / FORT, Monique. - 355-373

The Struggle against Tsetse Flies and Animal Trypanosomiasis in Africa / GEERTS, Stanny. - 375-387

Climate-related Information in Labrador/Nunatsiavut: Evidence from Moravian Missionary Journals / DEMAREE, Gaston; OGILVIE, Astrid E. J. - 391-408

An Overview od Recent Natural Disasters in South America / NUNES, Lucí Hidalgo. - 409-425




Bulletin des Séances / Mededelingen der Zittingen
Jg.- Ann. 2011, N.R. - Vol. 57