
KERVYN, Matthieu

Licencié en sciences géographiques (UCL), PhD Sciences – Geology (UGent), Post-Doc Volcanology (UGent), professor fysische geografie Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Geografie (GIS, teledetectie, tropische geomorfologie, natuurlijke risico’s), geologie (vulkanologie); Centraal-Afrika (DR Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Oeganda, Kameroen, Comoren), Zuid-Oost-Azië (Bangladesh, Vietnam).

Matthieu Kervyn holds a MSc in Geography from the Université Catholique de Louvain (2004) and a PhD in Geology from Ghent University (2008), Belgium. In 2010, he was appointed as lecturer in physical geography, volcanology and natural hazards at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Matthieu Kervyn is now Associate Professor and head of the VUB department of geography. He is in charge of teaching courses in the bachelor of geography (intro to physical geography, geomorphology, tectonic geomorphology) and master geography (natural hazards, natural risk management) as well as several field excursions. He is also in charge of the ‘Integrated research project in geography’ for students in 3rd bachelor. Matthieu Kervyn is also chairing the commission internationalization of the VUB Faculty of Sciences and Bio-engineering Sciences and member of the VUB council for internationalisation.

Matthieu Kervyn leads a research group focusing on hazardous geomorphological and volcanological processes and their associated risk in developing countries, with specific attention to volcano-tectonic processes, lava flows and landslides. Current projects are dedicated to the study of hazardous morpho-structural processes in active volcanic regions, including the modelling of volcano growth through eruptive and intrusive processes, lava flow emplacement, flank collapse, interactions with tectonic structures and erosion processes. Applications concentrate in volcanic regions of Africa including North Tanzania, the Virunga Volcanic Province (D.R.Congo), Mt Cameroon, and Mt Karthala in the Comores. His research has also evolved towards the study of landslides in developing countries, modelling the spatial distribution of hazards, and studying the impact and risk reduction strategies with local populations. A growing attention is also paid to the perception and adaptation of population to risk, including livelihood and vulnerability surveys and resilience strategy analysis using participatory methods with population and stakeholders living in different regions of the East African Rift System and South East Asia (Bangladesh, Vietnam). Research approaches involve remote sensing, qualitative and quantitative field surveys, scaled quantitative analogue models and geo-statistical modelling approaches.


Key Publications


Dille A., Dewitte O., Handwerger A.L., d'Oreye N., Derauw D., Bamulezi G.G., Michellier C., Moeyersons J., Monsieurs E.,Mugaruka Bibentyo T., Samsonov S., Smets B., Kervyn M., Kervyn F.,., 2022. Acceleration of a large deep-seated tropical landslide due to urbanization feedbacks. Nature Geosciences, 15: 1048-1055.

Sekajugo J., Kagoro-Rugunda G., Mutyebere R., Kabaseke C., Namara E., Dewitte O., Kervyn M., Jacobs L., 2022. Can citizen scientists provide a reliable geo-hydrological hazard inventory? An analysis of biases, sensitivity and precision for the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. Environmental Research Letters. 17: 045011 

Dille A., Kervyn F., Handwerger A.L., d’Oreye N., Derauw D., Mugaruka Bibentyo T., Samsonov S., Malet J-P., Kervyn M., Dewitte O., 2021. When image correlation is needed: Unravelling the complex dynamics of slow-moving landslide in the tropics with dense radar and optical time series. Remote sensing of Environment. 258: 112402

Grosse, P., Kervyn, M., 2018. Morphometry of terrestrial shield volcanoes. Geomorphology. 304: 1-14.

Maes, J., Kervyn, M., de Hontheim, A., Dewitte, O., Jacobs, L., Mertens, K., Vanmaercke, M., Vranken, L., Poesen, J., 2017. Landslide risk reduction measures: A review of practices and challenges for the tropics. Progress in Physical Geography 41(2), 191-221.

Smets B., Kervyn M., d’Oreye N, Kervyn F. 2015. Spatio-temporal dynamics of eruptions in a youthful extensional setting: insights from Nyamulagira volcano (D.R. Congo), in the western branch of the East African Rift. Earth Science Reviews. 150: 305-328.

Kervyn M., Ernst G. G. J., van Wyk de Vries B., Mathieu L., Jacobs P. 2009. Volcano load control on dyke propagation and vent distribution: Insights from analogue modelling, Journal of. Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 114, B03401, doi: 10.1029/2008JB00565.


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